
Dr Sally Abell
Dr Sally Abell is a Specialist Physician and Endocrinologist, with a special interest in Women’s Health. She practises in both general endocrinology and diabetes, with extensive experience in the management of diabetic women in the per-conception, antenatal and peri-partum periods.
Sally completed her medical training at the University of Tasmania in 2007, receiving a Dean’s Citation Award from the Faculty of Health Science. During her early residency years Sally quickly identified an affinity with general medicine and endocrinology. She completed her basic physician training at St Vincent’s Hospital, Melbourne, and advanced endocrinology training at St Vincent’s Hospital and Monash Health, Melbourne.
Sally has demonstrated an interest in, and commitment to maternal and fetal health. In 2017 she completed her PhD thesis on risk prediction, antenatal interventions and management of diabetes in pregnancy (Monash University, NHMRC funded postgraduate scholarship). Prior to returning home to Tasmania, Sally spent time in New York on sabbatical leave. She was privileged to work alongside world experts in thyroid cancer at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Centre, and in pituitary and adrenal disease at Mount Sinai Hospital.
Sally is accredited at Hobart Private and Calvary Hospitals, as well as holding a Specialist Visiting Medical Officer (VMO) position at the Royal Hobart Hospital. In addition, she fulfils an appointment at Monash Centra for Health Research and Implementation (MCHRI), Melbourne.
Sally has returned home to Tasmania, along with her ENT surgeon husband Mr Daniel McCormack. Sally and Dan welcomed two gorgeous girls over the past few years, Isla and Victoria.
Sally consults at Eternal on Thursdays.
Contact Us
Hours: 0900 to 1700, Monday to Friday
Fax: (03) 6220 1355
Eternal Women's Health
Hours: 0900 to 1700, Monday to Friday